
First Appearance Detective Comics #58 (Dec 1941)
Status Villain
Real Name Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot
Occupation Criminal; stock trader; fixer
Base Gotham City
Height 5ft 2in
Weight 175 lbs
Eyes Blue
Hair Black
Special Powers/Abilities
Devious and ruthless, despite his small stature, he is surprisingly agile; usually prefers to flee rather than fight; formerly favored an array of bizarre umbrella weapons; also used his affinity with birds to assist in his crimes.

Key Storylines
  • Penguin Triumphant (TPB, 1992) : A spotlight story on the criminal dealings of a rogue who feels he doesn't get enough respect from the world.
  • Secret Origins Special (TPB, 1989) : A look at the tragedy that is the Penguin's life.
  • Batman Annual #11 (1987) : The Penguin is in love, convincing a parole board he deserves his freedom.
  • Batman #25 (Oct-Nov 1944): in "The Knight of Kanvery", the Penguin teams up with the Joker with nearly deadly results for the Dynamic Duo.

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