Lex Luthor

First Appearance Action Comics #23 (Apr 1940)
Status Villain
Real Name Alexander Joseph Luthor
Occupation Mastermind
Base Metropolis; Washington D.C. (while U.S. President)
Height 6ft 2in
Weight 210 lbs
Eyes Green
Hair None
Special Powers/Abilities
Luthor is one of the smartest men on Earth, able to invent technological marvels or manipulate entire nations. He believes in brute force and is an unskilled figther, relying instead on weapons and armor.

Key Storylines
  • Superman: President Lex (TPB, 2000): The world looks on aghast as Luthor become U.S. President, followomg the most controversial election of all time.
  • Superman: #1-12 (Sep 2003-Sep 2004): Dating back to their childhood in Smallville, Luthor's tortured relationship with Clark Kent/Superman is redfined and explored.
  • Superman/Batman #1-6: President Luthor becomes a kryptonite junkie and goes insane.
  • Lex Luthor: Man of Steel (TPB, 2004): Luthor's recovery from his downfall.

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