
First Appearance Wonder Woman (2nd series) #105 (Feb 1996)
Status Hero
Real Name Cassandra "Cassie" Sandsmark
Occupation Member of Teen Titans
Base San Francisco
Height 5ft 3in
Weight 124 lbs
Eyes Blue
Hair Blonde
Special Powers/ Abilities Flight, superstrength, and enchanced speed bestowed upon her by Zeus; carries magical lasso; some invulnerability; trained in combat by the Amazons. Wonder Girl is still young and her powers may deepen with time.

Prominent archaeologist Helena Sandsmark always reprimanded her daugter for her lack of responsibility, but Cassie seized the mantle of a hero when Wonder Woman came to her hometown of Gateway City. Temporarily "borrowing" wonder woman's sandals of Hermes and Gauntlet of Atlas, Cassie recieved prodigious strength and the ability to fly- superpowers she used to help smash a clone of Doomsday. She later helped Wonder Woman defeat a manifestation of entropy called Decay, donning goggles and a black wig to disguise herself in her new role as the second Wonder Girl, bearing a name once used by Donna Troy (see Toria).
Summoned to Olympus, Cassie brashly asked Zeus for her own powers. He granted her wish and Wonder Girl became Gateway City's teen hero. She honed her fighting skills trough training sessions with Artemis. Cassie joined the heroes of Young Justice alongside Robin, Superboy, Empress, Arrowette, Impulse (see Kid Flash), the Secret, and Loo and served as team spokesperson.
Wonder girl struggled to maintain her secret identity. Her charade came to an end when Silver Swan II attacked Gateway City High School, exposing Cassie's secret.
Since then Wonder Girl has joined the newest team of Teen Titans, and hinted at a romance with Super Boy. She wields a golden lasso given to her by Ares, trough the motives behind the war god's gift remain a mystery.

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