
First Appearance More Fun Comics #73 (Nov 1941)
Status Hero
Real Name Arthur Curry; Orin
Occupation Waterbearer of the Secret Sea, exiled King of Atlantis
Base The undersea kingdom of Atlantis
Height 6ft 1in
Weight 325 lbs
Eyes Aqua blue
Hair Blond
Special Powers/ Abilities Can breathe underwater and communicate telepathically with sea life; can swim 100 m.p.h underwater; possesses enhanced strength and toughness as well as limited sonar abilities; left hand is made of enchanted water and possesses healing powers as well as other magical abilities.

Key Storylines
Aquaman : Time and Tide #1-4 (Dec 1993 -Mar 1994): The origin of Aquaman is tightened up and retold to fit within modern continuity.
Aquaman(3rd series) #2 (Sep 1994): Aquaman loses his left hand in an issue that redefined the character for a new audience.
Aquaman (4th series) #15 (Apr 2004): The king of Atlantis returns to his classic look, and San Diego is submerged following an earthquake.

Those who underestimate Aquaman do so at their peril. This hot-headed monarch commands a kingdom that covers three-quarters of the Earth's surface and extends from the wave crests to the bottom of the Mariana Trench. Although he is, at present, a king in exile, hos royal bearing is plain for all to see. Like many legendary kings, Aquaman's royal birthright was obscured by his upbringing as a commoner. The son of Queen Atlanna and a demigod, the spirit of Atlan, Orin was born with blod hair and the ability to communicate with sea life. These qualities sentenced the child to death by exposure on Mercy Reef, for the Atlanteans believed they were signs of the curse of KORDAX, a legendary monster.

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