Wonder Woman's Invisible Jet

Nearly invisible plane created by the alien Lansinarians. Has a morphing ability, capable to change into any number of shapes, from submersible submarine to a spaceworthy chariot.

  • It was created to attune itself to its user and its environment. The vessel responds appropriately and can take the form of any vehicle of earth, water and beyond (A Sub-marine or Rocketship). This amazing craft was given as a gift by the Lansinarians as a gift to Wonder Woman who saved them.
  • It has the power to be undetectable by radar or the human eye and the ability to shift from its crystal, "transparent mode" to complete invisibility rendering BOTH itself and its occupants truly invisible.
  • The Invisible Jet propels itself by harnessing graviton particles. It is in this fashion also that it shields its passengers from the forces of sudden acceleration.
  • In outer space: The Craft can extrude a portion of itself around Wonder Woman. Without taking in additional air supply, it can process one's own exhaled oxygen to allow breathing for 20 minutes. It can sense Wonder Woman's thoughts and will respond to her needs.
  • Arsenal: The Invisible Jet can shape projectile weapons out of its own substance but doing so depletes the amount of material in the vessel. When such depletion occurs, the craft can regenerate itself slowly. This function is to be avoided and used only when absolutely necessary as a last resort.
  • Although Wonder Woman possesses the power of flight, the Invisible Jet is very useful when she needs to transport a larger group of people or when she needs to use stealth on a mission.

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