
First Appearance Actions Comics #252 (May 1959)
Status Hero
Real Name Kara Zor-El
Occupation Adventurer
Base Metorpolis
Height 5ft 5in
Weight 135 lbs
Eyes Blue
Hair Blonde
Special Powers/ Abilities under the sun's solar radiation, supergirl's kryptonian physique absorbs energy and can fly, has superstrength, superspeed, invulnerability, acute hearing, and a range of vision, including emitting x-rays and heat.

Key Storylines

  • Superman/Batman #8-13 (May-Oct 2004): kara arrives on Earth, adored by Superman, supected by Batman, trained by the Amazons, and coveted by Darkseid, tyrannical ruler of Apokolips.

  • Supergirl: Many happy returns (TPB, 2003): Supergirl meets her pre-Crisis self and realizes she must sacrifice everything to maintain the cosmic balance.

  • Supergirl #1 (3rd series) (Feb 1994) : Troubled teenager Linda Danvers is rescued by Matrix and becomes an Earth Angel.

  • Supergirl (3rd series) #1-4 (Feb-May 1994): Matrix learns about life and love as Supergirl, under the sway of Lex Luthor's charismatic personality.

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